Sunday, September 14, 2008

On a Quiet Day in the North

Well it's a Sunday and I am sitting on Groote Eylandt as part of a tailing dam construction project for GEMCo [manganese mining] - things are a little quiet as there are none of the usual meetings held during the week.
It has been an interesting experience thus far. I started providing the WorleyParsons health & safety coverage for this site/project back in May and had expected only to have to do 1 or 2 trips. Several months later I have been back every 3rd week with only a single exception & it looks like I will continue to return for a week in every three until at least December.
There is a long story to my time up here (Groote Eylandt is located in the Gulf of Carpentaria in the Northern Territory - approx 4 hrs flight from Brisbane (if I was able to catch just one plane!), which I won't bore you with. Instead I am posting a few photos (there are not many to choose from) to give you a feel for the country up this way...

This little guy was given to me by Christine (our project adminstration) on one of my first few visits. It was a real pep-me-up as I was struggling with the many HSE issues being left unresolved. The sign he holds is a good reality check & yup I know I wouldn't swap my current job however stressful to try on bathing suits! Thanks Chrissy xox

On another visit, Ed decided a breath of fresh air was what was needed so took a 'short' trip on another quiet Sunday to explore the coast to the south of the mine lease, try my hand at some fly fishing & experience the 'other' side to our island location.
Although not my favourite landscape there were some truly lovely spots and also some fasinating finds like these salt plains.
Unfortunatly it is hard to see the beautiful carpet of colour spread out behind (& all around) me in this photo but I refer you to the next photo...

Here you can see the deep red colour of the succulents surviving in this harsh (hot & salty) area. Just amazing.
I added the another shot below to show the stark contrast between the rarer green ones to the red ones.

That's it for this round...
I hope to add some more photos again next time ... soon. LOL ():)