Sunday, December 10, 2006

Fun Food

Not to seem like a complete moron but I am just trying to add this photo to my blogspot profile and so far picasa is defeating me.

Fingers crossed I can use this somehow????


So now that I have worked out my photo issues I should probably explain what is happening in this photo since it is now showing up rather repetitively this month! lol
I had a Canadian girlfriend come to visit earlier this year (August) and on this night I decided to do rice paper rolls for dinner.
It is a very simple yet filling meal in which you soften rice paper discs in hotwater and then moving quickly to place your choice of filling on before rolling springroll-fashion before the whole thing sticks to whatever surface you are working on.
On this night I think I tried following a receipe for a ground beef and vege mix. Sadly it didn't quite live up to expectation as I recall it being too salty or having some sauce imbalance. I think next time I will go with more of a carefree approach and use more sauteed vegetables.
Tamara (my friend) took the photo.
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Suddenly mute!

Well hellooooo!
Even though I figure there will be few that will find there way to this blog and I am still curiously drawn to the concept of posting my general musings out into the cyberspace world!
Being a little bit of a beginner to this I am also keen to get something out there ... just to see what it will look like and then better still how much control I have over that look. I guess this actually says alot about me in general really but then again maybe this is just humanity??
I ended up here and absolutely enthralled by a friend's blog page and the links to his friend's blogs and fasinated by how people think ... the similarities in the majority of cases [but often to afraid to share in 'reality'] and then the differences.
Anyway enough already... time to see what this will look like out in cyber space!
Until my next d&m musings cause me to strike again.
